– whether you’re starting from scratch, or you have a shop already (it’s just not working as you dreamed!)
JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
⇨ Get started right away, even with just a few hours a week,
⇨ In-depth training + expert guidance on EVERYTHING you need to sell your handmade products successfully,
⇨ Easy-to-navigate roadmap to success, whatever stage you’re at.
Hi there, maker! It’s SO good to have you here!
And you know what? The fact that you ARE here tells me lots about you.
For a start, it tells me you want to create a brighter future for you and your family – by selling the handmade products you love to create.
You know that even a little extra income a month can make a HUGE difference.
For some of my students, the number that would make a difference is $500 a month. For others, it's $1,000 or even $3,000 a month…
Whatever amount you’d love to see dropping into your bank account each month, you know it could make the world of difference.
Maybe it could mean ...
● NOT living in dread of the washer giving up the ghost, or the car engine dying (because now you have some extra cushion to your bank account to deal with those unexpected bills)
● NOT needing to get some dead-end job just to make ends meet, that would crush your creative soul – AND steal away time with your kids
● FINALLY being able to take the family to Disneyland or Harry Potter World – and making their biggest dreams come true!
Whatever difference it would make for you, I want to tell you about a unique system I developed to help you finally go from struggling, overwhelmed ‘hobbyist’...
… to confident handmade shop owner, creating consistent and reliable extra income every single month - without confusion or overwhelm.
I’ve helped over 3000 makers start and grow their own handmade business with this exact system, and I’ve seen it work time and time again…
"Deb helped me move from 0 to $2000/month on average which has been a lot of growth in a short time."
“Before I joined the HQ I thought, what do I have to lose? Now, My sales are up 100%” [← that’s 6200 sales and counting]"
"It was just a hobby before and has now become a handmade business. It is the single best thing I've done for my business. I am not going through the process blindly any longer”
"Before The HQ, my sales were not steady, I really was unclear how to drive traffic, my conversion rate was low.. I needed a plan of action – big time! And now? I’m making consistent, steady sales!”
So, whether you are starting from scratch or already have a handmade shop (but it’s not working as you dreamed), I know it can help you too.
How do I know this, and how do I know what makes a handmade shop successful?
If you don't know who I am, it’s probably time for a little introduction :-)
well, hello there!
My name is Deb and I am the founder of Tizzit.co, passionate maker’s champion and Handmade Business Expert.
It’s true - I’m obsessed with business. I *loooove* marketing. That's just how my brain works.
The only thing I’m more obsessed with than business – is helping people get the results they dream of.
Armed with a Masters in Business and Marketing and a Diploma in Design … I started my career in big corporates and e-commerce, then worked as an online marketing and business consultant for years…
... so I know a thing or two about the systems and processes that underpin massively successful businesses.
But, most importantly:
I’ve worked in the handmade industry as a business consultant, coach and mentor for over 7 years and helped over 3000 makers start and grow their handmade shops successfully via my programs…
... using the exact same system I am about to share with you.
I even had the chance to teach this system for the International Trade Center (a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation)…
...to help people worldwide create life-changing extra income on their own terms, doing something they love!
So how did it all come to be?
You see, working 1 on 1 as a handmade business coach, I quickly realised that my clients were hiring me to fix the wrong problems.
In my experience, the biggest problem that makers and handmade shop owners run into when trying to make consistent, reliable extra income from selling their handmade products ...
… is that they’re trying to build their handmade business one random puzzle piece at a time, without knowing what the full picture is meant to look like.
Chances are - you might be in the same boat…
You want to sell your handmade products successfully but you’re starting to think it might not be possible because my guess is, so far…
... you’ve been feeling SUPER confused and overwhelmed doing ‘All The Things’ to get your profitable handmade shop up and running , with no real progress to show for it – or perhaps it all feels like so much, you don’t even know where to start!
Maybe random Etsy algorithm changes have been giving you SEO cold sweats – and Facebook seems just plain broken (“Umm excuse, me – why is no-one seeing my posts except my mom?!”) .
It probably feels like none of those platforms can really work for you and your products.
Could be you’re afraid your products aren’t even good enough! I mean, if people wanted them, they’d be flying off your virtual shelves, without you needing to “sell” at all, right? (That’s what your nagging little inner voice keeps saying anyway!)
And who are YOU to think you can compete with all those other successful sellers in such a saturated market?
They clearly have some ‘special sauce’ you don’t, plus probably a lot more time on their hands than you do (not to mention plenty of ca$h to spend on ads!)
I bet it feels like you’ve tried EVERYTHING to start and build the handmade business you have in your heart ...
... from free Webinars on “How to sell handmade online” (which turn into a blatant sales pitch about 7 minutes in)
... to “quick fix” promises of 6-figure incomes and fairy unicorns – that give you nowhere near the support you need to grow a consistent, predictable revenue in the long term
... to sleazy “experts” selling you a one-size-fits-all “copy-and-paste system” with NO understanding of what YOUR handmade business is all about
But so far you've seen nowhere near the profit you dreamed of – and you can’t go on wasting precious family-time if you’re not making money!
No wonder you’re starting to doubt making money selling your handmade products is even possible - or worth pursuing.
I totally get it – and I can help.
In fact, quite the opposite.
The real reason most makers fail to turn their hobby into a successful handmade business…
... is that they get stuck in the “Negative Cycle of Short-Term Tactics”.
Look... this doubt, overwhelm, and frustration you’re feeling right now?
It’s time to put it to rest.
You don’t need more talent, time, or some “special sauce” (spoiler alert → there is no such thing as “special sauce”!)
And most importantly… (TRUTHBOMB!)
After years working with thousands of students... I realised that most makers were getting stuck in what I call the “negative cycle of short term tactics”.
They’d set up a shop, going from “making as a hobby” to “open for business” relatively quickly - which made them feel like they were making good progress in a short amount of time…
... but then nothing would really happen after that.
Not many people would find and visit their online shop, and they certainly weren’t getting many sales - if any.
They’d hit a plateau, and were getting stuck on the dreadful “negative cycle of short term tactics”, just like this:
Not quite the dream handmade business they had in mind, but makers are smart and resourceful people, so they’d do what any smart and resourceful person would:
Take to Google to figure out how to make their shop work…
...and this is like opening Pandora’s Box – EVERY tip and tactic that anyone has ever thought of is out there!
From blogs, to podcasts, to fluffy webinars ... there's no shortage of information … only one problem: everyone is recommending something different!
“You need better photos” “You should use Pinterest marketing”
“It’s all about SEO and keywords”
Oh and ...“Don’t forget Instagram stories”!
It's totally overwhelming.
At this point, they usually decide to start somewhere... anywhere… and just pick a tactic they think might work for their shop.
They go all in on it (either using free info they found online, or maybe by investing in a big-promise paid course) and they get super excited about the profit that’s about to roll in... except that it doesn’t.
Yet again, something isn’t working.
Maybe the course they took or the tactic they used under delivered...
Maybe it didn’t and so there’s a few more people visiting their shop but still NO sales...
Maybe they realise they missed a step when setting up their shop and need to go back and fix that first for this new tactic they learnt about to work...
Or maybe they do get a tiny boost in views or sales but the results don't last at all...
The bottom line is:
They’re still not getting the results they want, which are consistent, predictable sales.
So they go back to Google, find another shiny new tactic that’s BOUND to fix things this time…
… and yet again, it doesn’t work.
And so they get sucked into this soul-destroying spiral of short-term tactics, losing a little bit more faith, time, energy and confidence on each loop around.
Maybe you can relate?!
If you’re thinking that this sounds a little too much like you right now, don’t worry - there is a solution.
Because, you know what?
The only difference between those who make it, and those who don’t is that successful handmade sellers know how to steer clear of the negative cycle of short-term tactics…
… and focus on “business thinking” instead.
I am glad you asked ;-)
“Business thinking” is made up of 2 key concepts:
“Tactics” are the most visible aspect of any business - they’re what we see and what we hear about the most.
Everywhere online, people are talking about the "latest Pinterest trick" or "the new Etsy SEO strategy" or whatever other tool, tip or tactic "revolutionised" their business.
But tactics are only the tip of the iceberg, the visible part.
What no handmade shop “guru” is sharing with you or even talking about is what’s under the water (and the only reason the tactics they swear by are working for them!) => the real, foundational strategy!
And while I do think you 100% NEED tactics to make your handmade shop successful...
I am also absolutely certain that you can NOT make tactics work without a solid strategy for them to stand on - or float on top of ;-)
To be successful, you need to FIRST define YOUR unique handmade business strategy…
...and THEN pick and implement the best tools and tactics to execute it and reach your goals.
Remember when I mentioned that the biggest problem makers run into is that they try to build their handmade business one random puzzle piece at a time, with no clear idea of what the full picture is meant to look like?
Well... strategy IS the full picture.
To make selling your handmade products work, you need both a strategy AND tools & tactics, but you can’t make tools & tactics work without a strategy.
If you want your handmade business to be a success for years to come - you have to think long-term.
This will allow you to start ‘front-loading” the work – to get solid foundations in place that will pay dividends down the line and save you months of headache trying to figure out “why is nothing working!?”
You want your progress curve to look like this:
At first, it might look like you’re making less progress, but everything you do is logically built on the previous step – leading you slowly but surely to exponential growth and real lasting results for your shop and business.
Essentially, you’re slowing down ... to speed up!
Once you have your Business Thinking head firmly on, the handmade business world is your oyster!
You’ll easily be able to …
In short, Business Thinking means …
Cutting through the confusion and overwhelm – and creating the STRATEGY and PLAN you need to build a real, profitable business out of this handmade hobby you love!
● Stand out from even the most saturated crowd using effective branding and pricing strategies (← spoiler alert: this has nothing to do with having a pretty logo OR trying to compete by dropping your prices!)
● Charge what your products are really worth AND still have customers flocking to your door – so you can consistently sell at a profit.
● Get your shop in front of people who are eager to buy, so you get more visits AND more sales – without worrying about the next algorithm change because you know your marketing strategy is built on solid ground.
● Feel confident selling, marketing and talking about your products, so you never feel like you have to “sell your soul” to make a sale. (Yes, it’s possible to sell naturally, in your OWN unique voice, and – dare I say it! – to actually enjoy marketing your shop!)
● Make your handmade business profitable in the time you have – finding that sweet spot between the hours you can spend on your shop each week, what you enjoy creating and products people want to buy
● Build a handmade business that works for YOU and YOUR unique products and goals … rather than trying to follow someone else’s success path.
Let’s leave the soul-destroying spiral of short-term tactics behind.
Let’s leave the
soul-destroying spiral
of short-term tactics behind.
welcome to the better way
JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
Drawing on my expertise, I’ve created a fail-proof system, based firmly in time-tested business and marketing strategies, to help you figure out what to do (and in exactly what order!) to build your profitable business the RIGHT way.
In other words … a system that helps handmade shop owners develop true Business Thinking.
This system is The Maker's Roadmap™, and it’s the backbone of Tizzit HQ.
(without muddle, overwhelm, or “WHAT NOW?!”)
Tizzit HQ is
THE membership training community for makers and handmade shop owners that gives you a simple, step-by-step plan – plus ALL the business skills you need – to confidently make money from your handmade business,
every single month.
How does Tizzit HQ work?
To build a successful handmade business, you need TWO essential elements:
● A solid step-by-step strategy → AKA The Maker’s Roadmap™ system - to help you develop true Business Thinking and work on things in the right order
● The right tools, tactics and skills → AKA seriously good courses - to implement your strategy and reach your goals
● A solid step-by-step strategy
→ AKA The Maker’s Roadmap™ system - to help you develop true Business Thinking and work on things in the right order
● The right tools, tactics and skills
→ AKA seriously good courses - to implement your strategy and reach your goals
– inside The HQ you get a whole heap of BOTH!
To make sure that you are supported every step of the way, Tizzit HQ also provides you with…
● All the support you’ll ever need → AKA Live Coaching Calls + Private Community
● All the support you’ll ever need
→ AKA Live Coaching Calls + Private Community
So...what exactly do you get when you join Tizzit HQ ?
When you join Tizzit HQ, you get access to:
● 01 → The Maker’s Roadmap™ System
● 02 → The entire Tizzit library of handmade business courses (30+)
● 03 → Bi-weekly live coaching and accountability calls
● 04 → 24/7 exclusive access to our sharing, supportive and honest community
Sounds good right? Read on for all the deets …
The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you:
→ build the solid business foundations you need to bring in regular profits down the line
→ get your shop started, getting noticed, and getting consistent sales
→ grow and scale so you can make the regular extra income you want (and more!)
The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you:
→ diagnose WHY you’re not yet seeing the success you hoped for at the beginning
→ figure out what’s missing, and what you need to do to fill the gaps
→ develop a complete business strategy for your unique shop, so you can move forward with confidence and start making the profits your products deserve!
So no matter where you are in your journey so far...
The Tizzit Maker’s Roadmap™ is the fail-proof 4-stage system that’ll move you smoothly to that profitable place you long to be - all the while, kicking overwhelm to the curb!
(Pssst... Nikki and Tania agree!)
The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you:
→ build the solid business foundations you need to bring in regular profits down the line
→ get your shop started, getting noticed, and getting consistent sales
→ grow and scale so you can make the regular extra income you want (and more!)
The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you:
→ diagnose WHY you’re not yet seeing the success you hoped for at the beginning
→ figure out what’s missing, and what you need to do to fill the gaps
→ develop a complete business strategy for your unique shop, so you can move forward with confidence and start making the profits your products deserve!
"If anyone is undecided about joining Tizzit HQ, don’t be. The Maker’s Roadmap™ is nothing short of brilliant.
It takes the overwhelming feelings away and makes it manageable! I've tried other programs, and they weren’t the right fit for me – if you need step 1, step 2, etc. this is for YOU.”
"Nothing short of brilliant!"
JOIN Tizzit hq now
“Now I have a system - I can stop panicking and spinning my wheels”
I have a clear idea of what has to be done and in what order. It helps me tremendously that I can work step by step as my schedule allows. I knew there were several things I had to take care of for my shop but I couldn’t decide on the correct order to tackle them.
I now have a system to follow instead of panicking and spinning my wheels without producing any results.
I do not work every day in my shop, so when I have to put time into it, I just open The Maker’s Roadmap™ and find what I have to do next.
Tania Savvopoulou - NOT YOUR USUAL TEE
Building a successful handmade business can feel like walking through an impossible maze - with tempting tips and tactics leading you round in crazy-making circles, and your destination feeling ever further away...
JOIN Tizzit hq now
“The Live Coaching Calls are
unbelievably helpful."
Tizzit HQ is much more than a library of practical courses for makers looking to start and grow their businesses.
The HQ community (including Deb) is always there when you hit a snag, and not just with a course, but maybe with a customer, or with a technical issue or when you feel the world is going crazy. They’re always there, with cheers and champagne, when you hit a milestone, or even a footstone.
The HQ brings you THE most comprehensive collection of training courses and expert workshops out there, specially crafted for makers and handmade business owners.
You can dive deep into any topic, when you need it, and implement what you learn right away thanks to the supporting checklists and workbooks.
The courses are all designed so you can easily fit them around your crazy schedule, and learn at your own pace. Don’t believe us? Ask Kelly! ⤵
I make great progress, even if I can only grab
20 minutes a day!
The expert guest workshops on specific areas of handmade business are also super helpful.
They’re broken down into sections so you can jump to what you need most help with – and they come with instantly actionable notes and checklists!
“The courses are great, they don't take too long so they are easy for me to fit in around my lifestyle with the kids.
I can still make progress with the Maker’s Roadmap™ even if I can only grab 20 minutes that day.
I find Deb's approach detailed and to the point without information overload and I always feel confident moving forward.”
“The Live Coaching Calls are unbelievably helpful. Deb takes questions and will critique your shop or website or anything else you want her to take a look at. Every question she answers gives you valuable insights you can then use in your own business.
There’s also the live chat during the call where you can ask questions and get answers from other members that are just as useful. I cannot express in words just how privileged I feel to be part of this community!”
Twice every month, you can join Deb and the other HQ members for a live call to get expert and personalized advice and support.
Our monthly coaching call is a Q&A-style coaching session, perfect to work on your strategy, review your shop, figure out your marketing plan, or address any other questions you may have.
Our monthly check-in call is an ‘accountability call’ to make sure you're on track, set goals for the month and keep your momentum going!
You can check out replays of all the coaching calls inside your member area, so even if you can’t show up live, you can always catch up and in your own time.
Our members say the live coaching is one of the most valuable things about The HQ! (Thanks Jo!) ⤵
JO Davis - miley james lily anne vintage
The community is the heart of Tizzit HQ.
If you’ve ever felt like your friends and family (as supportive as they may be) don’t always seem to ‘get’ what you’re doing, you are going to LOVE it here!
Get answers to any questions (small or big), request feedback ... and join a global family of makers that will celebrate your wins and pick you up when you feel down.
ANYTHING you need help with, we’re here for you, 24/7 – which members like Melissa just LOVE! ⤵
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JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
here’s your NO-QUIBBLE,
Oh, and by the way...
If you DON’T feel blown away by the amazing value inside Tizzit HQ, and DON’T feel super-excited for the incredible progress you’re going to make in turning the hobby you love into regular money you’ll adore…
All you have to do is email us within 14 days of joining, and
we’ll make sure you get a FULL refund – absolutely no questions asked.
So you see, there really is NO RISK in joining us.
JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
The long and short of it is ...
Tizzit HQ gives you EVERYTHING you need to confidently turn the hobby you love into serious extra income for your family, every single month.
"Tizzit helped me get my turnover to £7500–£8500 per month. my sales are up by 409% YoY. The income I take is 50–60%."
"I am completely amazed at what has turned out to be a proper business! I decided to start selling jewellery in April last year as I had lost my job a few months before, and at 56 not sure how I was going to get another. I found you as a resource fairly early on and thank goodness I did. All I can say is thank you for being there!
I work about 5–6 hours a day and I have to say I'm as busy as I want to be (I like the freedom to go on long dog walks or have a lazy morning). The bigger picture was to have a business that could travel with me once my children leave home, and I have achieved it."
Tracy Steward-MURRAY - jeweller
become a member and
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, No Lock-in
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, No Lock-in
Join us inside The HQ NOW and
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, Hassle-Free
All backed by our
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, Hassle-Free
That’s what Tania thought too!
These days, to make your business work, it’s easy to feel like you need to take 4 or 5 online courses a year – each costing $497 (sometimes waaaay more!) – or hire a specialist business coach at silly-money/hour ...
At Tizzit, we think this is completely ridiculous.
Inside The HQ you get access to ALL the courses and training you need to start and grow your profitable handmade business, for one low monthly fee – WITHOUT compromising on quality!
So ...we know what you *might* be thinking ...
Hey! Great point Cass!
Honestly, Tizzit HQ is a LOT more affordable than courses on just ONE topic!
I was going to buy another course that was just on one topic, then I realised I could join Tizzit HQ and get ongoing support and it was a no brainer!
Cassandra PONS - Lazy Girl Lingerie
“My shop doesn't make enough income right now to justify spending money on it!”
“I haven’t even started my handmade shop yet, so there’s nothing coming in to spend on stuff like training!”
“Before I joined The HQ, I hesitated because my shop's revenue did not justify investing in anything but I KNEW that I had to invest in something if I ever wanted to drive any sales!)
I also wondered whether there was really any more value in the courses, compared to the free stuff. (There is! TONS of it!)”
As Tania knew in her heart, you HAVE to invest if you ever want to drive consistent, profitable sales – and when you do, you’ll quickly start making that money back.
Practically ALL of our members who were trying to grow their shop on their own before they joined The HQ say they wish they'd made the investment earlier – and saved themselves so much time and heartache.
And if you don't have a shop yet – guess what!
When you join The HQ you get to skip ALL that heartache and wasted trial-and-error time, and instead move quickly and smoothly toward the regular extra income that will make so much difference in your life!
Look – you can spend years trying to piece together all the free tips and tricks on the internet to build your profitable shop on your own.
But chances are... you’ll go crazy – and broke – long before you get there!
I was looking for someone who could guide me through the entire process of building a handmade shop in a sustainable, organic way.
My handmade shop was as unstable as a house of cards. No solid foundation, no clear understanding of how marketing worked, no idea how to price my products.
Now, all decisions I make are based on strategy. I know what I am supposed to be doing at all times.
I have a good conversion rate and sales are becoming predictable. I have barely scratched the surface when it comes to marketing and have already tripled my sales in comparison to my first attempt at a handmade shop without Tizzit HQ.
"I already tripled my sales in comparison to my first attempt at a handmade shop without Tizzit HQ"
The HQ exists to make your life as a handmade shop owner EASIER.
That’s why you’ll find checklists, planners, workbooks and spreadsheets inside to help you make progress quicker and streamline every aspect of your business and marketing.
I hate to break it to you … but if you don’t do the work, you won’t get results!
That’s why we have a full section of The HQ dedicated to goal planning and tracking.
Life gets busy and it’s easy to get off track – having your own logbook and monthly accountability calls are the best way to make sure you stay focused, productive, and that you reach your goals.
There’s already SO much to learn from inside The HQ, and the best part is – we’re always adding new stuff!
The courses, workshops and other resources are constantly updated to make sure you keep on top of all the latest marketing strategies (without having to research any of it yourself!)
"There is so much content out there, so many “experts” telling us how to do this or that, and to do it right now.
It’s easy to become mired in it all and discouraged because you cannot hope to keep up with it all.
Tizzit HQ provides not just a lifeline, but clear and in-depth assistance every step of the way. I’ve followed a number of Etsy or Handmade “experts” but never felt such clarity and support as I do with the HQ."
Tracy Belair Gaito - RUNNER BEAN ARTS
"Tizzit HQ provides not just a lifeline, but clear and in-depth assistance every step of the way."
The Maker’s Roadmap™ – your fail-proof, step-by-step, personalized plan for building YOUR profitable business the RIGHT way ...
THE most comprehensive collection of carefully curated, in-depth training resources and expertise out there, for starting and growing a profitable handmade business – including 30+ Handmade Business Courses, plus special guest expert workshops ...
Twice-monthly live coaching calls bringing you expert and personalized guidance, plus support on accountability and goal-setting, to keep you focused and moving forward.
24/7 access to a sharing, supportive and honest community of creatives worldwide, committed to growing together to turn the hobbies we all love into regular extra income, to help support our families and unfurl a better future.
JOIN Tizzit hq now
So let's sum up…
I’ve been able to grow my email list from 0 to 500 and I’ve set up lead magnets (which I had no idea how to do before).
Deb also helped me to set up amazing campaigns that have been getting me sales, moving from 0 to up to $2000/month on average which has been a lot of growth in a short time.
Tizzit HQ provides amazing value. Deb created an incredible roadmap that helps you through every stage of your business. She provides personal advice and support through her monthly coaching calls.
The community offers amazing support, you always have someone to reach out to if you need some advice or feedback. The library is just a wealth of information.
If you haven’t joined HQ yet, I highly recommend you join our community.
=> From zero to $2000/month <=
Loretta Brandolini - RAW BEAUTY NATURALLY
Before joining the HQ, sales were not steady, I really was unclear how to drive traffic, my conversion rate was pretty low, my photos were crap, and I hadn’t really narrowed down my ideal customer.
I was overwhelmed with all the “stuff” I thought I needed to do, and I couldn’t figure out how on earth to get it all done. I needed serious guidance and a plan of action. I needed marketing help big time!
[Now] I’m making consistent, steady sales, which is great. But more important than that, I feel calm and organized and I have a plan. I feel supported by all the amazing community members. I’m not trying to do a zillion things at once. I feel so much more confident about running my business. I learn something new every time I visit the community, watch a live coaching call, watch one of the courses, or complete a workbook. It’s so amazing.
“It’s the best money I spend every month. And I’m as cheap as they come.”
JOIN Tizzit hq now
So no, you don’t need a fake countdown timer to tell you what’s at risk.
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Because you KNOW the real risk you’re facing right now is not a twinge of FOMO…
The real risk is doing nothing.
You KNOW that if you don’t choose to make a change SOON, it’s gonna take FOREVER to start bringing in that extra income every month – and frankly ...
you and your family could use that money NOW!
“Doors are closing soon! BUY NOW or risk missing out!”
By now, you’re probably expecting to see one of those
But hey, we don’t need a fake timer to manufacture ‘urgency’, do we.
First, because that's not the way we do things here at Tizzit – we're not into fake anything!
And second, because the truth is, you already KNOW
that NOW is YOUR time to cut through the noise, and finally start turning your handmade products into a profit to be proud of.
And you KNOW that if you don’t choose to make a change …
Then nothing WILL change.
A year from now, you’ll still be ...
→ Binge-watching every ‘how to’ video out there, with no clue what’s the RIGHT thing to do next
→ Trying ‘a bit of this’ and ‘a bit of that’, with no strategy or direction, and making almost zero profitable progress
→ Feeling any confidence you once had slowly flaking away as that voice in your head keeps nagging “Who even wants to buy this?! What do you think you’re doing?!”
telling you...
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[Before the HQ] “Because the price was so fair, and it was monthly, it wasn't this big chunky throw out. I thought, what do I have to lose? You know, try it, see how it goes."
[And now?] "Tizzit HQ is the best online course I have ever taken. The content is amazing and Deb has worked very hard to make this a fabulous course. My sales are up 100% and I’m super grateful!"
I thought, what do I have to lose?
Now? MY SALES ARE UP 100% [6000+ sales and counting!]
I thought, what do
I have to lose? [Now?] MY SALES ARE UP 100% [6000+ sales]
Join us inside The HQ NOW and
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, Hassle-Free
All backed by our
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, Hassle-Free
become a member and
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, No Lock-in
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, No Lock-in
“I wanted to get more serious about the online shop, because I finally realised, to charge what I need to charge, I'm not going to get that selling in person at markets in my area.
[Before the HQ, I had] very low and inconsistent traffic.
[Now] I sell at higher prices with the confidence to back them up. I am making the same money but without the crazy schedule and personal burnout from overwork ”
It’s time to get serious!
(without burnout or a crazy schedule)
[My goal was] "finding focus and treating my shop as a business rather than a hobby. Sales were very hit and miss with no clear focus."
[Since joining] "I’ve been able to raise my prices confidently and have made more consistent sales.
Tizzit HQ is great value for money, the community is so positive and supportive and the resources are fantastic."
(hmm, yes please!)
JOIN Tizzit hq now
JOIN Tizzit hq now
it is for you if...
it is not for you if...
✔ You’re thinking about selling your handmade products to make a regular, meaningful income.
✔ ...or you already have a handmade shop but need help getting it off the ground, attracting more traffic and getting more sales.
✔ You LOVE creating products but feel totally overwhelmed when it comes to the business and marketing side of running a shop.
✔ You’re an action-taker and willing to put in the time and energy to implement what you learn. The HQ is here to help and support you, but no one can do the work for you.
✘ You don’t sell or plan to sell handmade products. If you plan on drop-shipping mass-produced items or are mostly selling services, The HQ isn't the right membership for you.
✘ You’re looking for an Etsy-ONLY membership community. We do, OF COURSE, talk about Etsy and cover it in the trainings – but The HQ is MORE than that. The HQ will help you build a successful shop, no matter on which platform. If it’s Etsy, that's great! But Etsy isn’t our sole focus.
✘ You’re looking for a 'quick-fix' and instant gratification. Building a successful handmade shop takes time and energy, and although The HQ will make it MUCH easier, you will still need to do the work.
Here’s a handy table, to help you know for sure…
"I’ve paid for many other Etsy courses, but still felt lost.
I love the videos and how well you break everything down.
I love how easy you make everything.
It was so easy to create my plan of action through Tizzit HQ."
"I’ve paid for many other Etsy courses, but still felt lost."
VALERIE FREEMAN - Betty Lu Paperie
(aww shucks, thanks guys!)
"I wanted to find a program I can recommend to my students who make handmade beauty products. I wanted marketing resources from a different and trusted perspective for said students and myself as well as the tech of setting up a store and proper SEO strategies.
I wanted to be sure this was a good program before I started recommending it. I had previously joined and sent my students to a colleague in the "Makers Support" arena.
I find Tizzit HQ to be so well structured with easy to digest info in bite-sized pieces. It far exceeded my expectations - and at this price, it's a steal if you actually implement what you're taught. Now I send people here all the time!
It's perfect - affordable, all-encompassing and efficient. It is also very easy to navigate, unlike other communities I've joined in the past. The Maker's Roadmap is awesome.
I also like how available you are to the community. You don't just throw a PDF at us and then hide behind a computer."
"It far exceeded my expectations - and at this price, it's a steal"
Eden Croft - prosper in beauty
I learned that I skipped a lot of important steps. Doing the courses has disciplined me. It was just a hobby before and has now become a handmade business.
It is the single best thing I've done for my business. I am not going through the process blindly any longer - The Maker's Roadmap is fantastic in that it tells you what steps to take next and, so long as you do the work, results will happen.
"It was just a hobby before and has now become a handmade business."
[Before joining the HQ] I was looking for someone who didn't have all kinds of crazy promises about becoming a success, but I wanted to make a shop that would be successful.
A lot of other courses I'd seen were too good to be true. I was also looking for a full-on course--something that would start with the basics like brand design and also include marketing, finances, etc.
There are so many people out there saying that starting a side gig is so easy, and I followed their advice previously but ended up putting in long hours to no avail because their advice was all fluff.
This gave me a lack of confidence. Also, I am definitely someone who struggles with doing it all at once...all social media platforms and all different types of designs (major shiny object syndrome).
[Now] I have a real business vs something that I hoped would work out if I just kept working at it. You are not just trying to get people to spend money to make you money.
You have solid business advice that makes sense from the ground up.
putting in long hours to no avail?
JULIANNE ROSE - Just Right Leather
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Still got questions?
GREAT! We’ve got answers!
Just click on the Q to get your A ...
Yes! The HQ is PERFECT if you’re just getting started. The Maker’s Roadmap™ starts at the planning stage, so even if you don’t have a shop at all yet, but are considering opening one, you’ll find all the training you need to help you inside The HQ.
For sure! The Tizzit Maker’s Roadmap™ and trainings within The HQ cover a wide range of topics, right from the planning stages of your handmade shop, all the way through getting traffic and sales and scaling when you’re already established.
You’ll find a full traffic course, a marketing strategy course, an email marketing course and LOADS more to help you make the most out of social media and marketing.
Absolutely! You get instant access to all the courses and materials inside The HQ from the minute you join. You also get immediate access to any future trainings as soon as they’re added to the members’ area. No need to wait, you can dive straight in.
As soon as you join Tizzit HQ, you get instant access to:
→ The interactive Tizzit Maker’s Roadmap™ – your fail-proof, step-by-step plan for building your profitable business the RIGHT way, showing you exactly what you should be focusing on right now, for the stage of growth you’re in ...
→ THE most comprehensive collection of carefully curated, in-depth training resources and expertise out there, for starting and growing a profitable handmade business – including 30+ Handmade Business Courses, special guest expert workshops, quick tips and tutorials (plus supporting Checklists, Workbooks and Planners) ...
→ Twice-monthly live coaching calls bringing you expert and personalised guidance, plus support on accountability and goal-setting, to keep you focused and moving forward
→ A sharing, supportive and honest community of creatives, committed to growing together to turn the hobbies we all love into regular extra income, to help support our families and unfurl a better future.
Great question. One of the things we’re most proud of in The HQ is the quality of our content.
Most of the courses, trainings and coaching sessions are led by super-experienced Business Coach and handmade business specialist Deborah Engelmajer, who has helped thousands of shop owners build successful handmade businesses.
When a topic is outside of Deb’s specific expertise, you’ll learn from other well-known handmade business experts who are specialists in that area.
We could brag about The HQ all day! ;) But the biggest testament to the quality of the Tizzit HQ training is the amazing success that our members have had!
Our loving, supportive community is one of the best and most important aspects of Tizzit HQ.
You can ask questions and get feedback, advice and support at any time from Deb and the other members of the community inside our private (non-Facebook!) online forum.
Twice every month we also meet up for live Q&A coaching and accountability check-in calls, which our members say they find incredibly helpful.
When you join, dive in and look around inside your members' area. If for any reason you don’t like what you see, simply drop us an email at support@tizzit.co within your first 14 days and we’ll make sure you get a full refund.
We promise, we won’t string you along, ask rude questions or hassle you in any way! This is your no-quibble, no-nonsense 14-day money-back guarantee.
If you’re not happy with The HQ after 14 days, you can cancel easily with a single click of a button inside your member area. You don’t need to email anyone or even to tell anyone, just click to cancel!
If you cancel your subscription after your first 14 days inside, you’ll still be able to access all the goodness for the remaining days of the month you’ve paid for – and then your access will be locked after that. So if you cancel in the middle of a month, you’ll keep access for the rest of the month, and then your account will be deactivated.
You are always welcome to re-join us again later of course! But please note that if the price has increased between the first time and the second time you signed up, you will need to sign up at the new price.
You can also decide to pause your subscription (if you go on vacation for a month, for example) and when you come back, you simply restart your payments again. :)
As long as your subscription is active, the amount you pay each month will not increase. You’ll always pay the price you signed up for, even if the price increases after that for new members.
If you cancel your subscription, and later decide to rejoin – we’ll be DELIGHTED to have you back! But if the subscription has increased since you’ve been gone, you will need to pay the new price when you rejoin.
The HQ is designed to help you build and grow a successful handmade shop, no matter what platform you’re using to sell your products.
Of course, Etsy is covered in the training and courses, but Tizzit HQ is not an Etsy-only community. If that’s what you’re looking for, then The HQ might not be the right fit for you (just being honest!)
If Etsy is part of your success strategy, that’s great! But if you decide to sell on your own website instead (or as well) that’s also great! We talk about WordPress, Shopify, selling to retail stores, and much more.
Tizzit TV (Youtube) and the Tizzit blog offer great free resources but they don’t go into nearly as much depth as the training courses and materials inside The HQ.
While most of the free videos on Tizzit TV are just 10–15 minutes long, the courses inside The HQ offer many modules and lessons, as well as supporting Workbooks, Checklists, Planners and so on, to help you dive deep into each topic and make sure that you have the resources you need to implement what you learn.
Maker’s Biz is an online conference where experts share their knowledge on a specific topic through interviews or presentations. Although there are guest expert workshops inside The HQ, you’ll also find tutorials and in-depth courses that are not available as part of the Maker’s Biz summit – or anywhere else!
You offer invaluable information I wish I had at my fingertips 10 years ago when I started my business.
I've supported my family from it for many years, but I feel like I could have avoided a large amount of overwhelm and burnout if I had a better structure in place from the get-go.
Your Maker's Roadmap is helping me build what I view as a more legitimised business with systems in place that will make hiring employees (and training them) much easier.
I'm getting closer to a re-launch and new system of operation very soon. I have also been able to finally train my husband to help me run Scripted Jewelry.
This is huge and something I have been unable to do for the last 3 years because the entire business operations have been a jumbled mess only I could understand.
I wish I'd started with this framework. It would have been much easier to work through before I ever launched.
"You offer invaluable information I wish I had at my fingertips 10 years ago when I started my business"
"I have taken several business courses over the past couple of years, some of them specifically targeted at my type of product.
However, Tizzit HQ is the simplest, the most honest, and easiest to follow so far.
Some of the high-powered, expensive courses I have taken try to push their vision on every student, whether that fits their life situation or not.
Deb's approach, on the other hand, is compassionate, understanding, and the advice takes into account the place each HQ member finds himself/herself at instead of pushing one-fits-all type of solutions.
That is rare in today's business consulting environment, and it's very much appreciated."
Photo credit: Ceasarae Didama Galvan
Before the HQ, I felt overwhelmed by the sense that I was missing key steps to starting my business. I was also overwhelmed by ideas I had all over the place and was spread thin trying to do it all at once.
I believe The Maker’s Roadmap is essential to any handmade business. Most makers are so focused on making that they don’t know the half of what should be laid down as a foundation for their business first.
"I believe the maker's roadmap is essential to any handmade business"
"If someone wants to start their own business doing what they love but is unclear on what to do and in which order, the HQ provides clear steps on how to do it from scratch.
The community and the live calls are a really valuable resource. If you have some doubts or questions you're unsure of, you can always ask the community and Deb. You can also learn a lot from live calls, and use the information provided for other members on how to improve your own business.
Thanks to Tizzit HQ I definitely feel more supported and not alone, that's huge. I don't have to wander in the dark by myself and be guessing what to do, or spending time googling for courses for a specific subject. It's nice seeing and hearing other people in a similar phase as I am, striving to create their dream business."
I don't have to wander in the dark by myself or spend time googling for courses
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...but that choice is probably going to keep you going round in circles, making no meaningful progress.
On the other hand, you can...
Tizzit HQ is
THE perfect membership community to help you make the shift from struggling, overwhelmed ‘hobbyist’
… to confident handmade business owner, creating extra income that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE for you and your family...
Every. Single. Month.
Trust me – you’ve got this.
See you on the inside!
Deb x
CHOOSE to make a change TODAY...
OK - now, it’s (really) time to choose.
Join us inside The HQ NOW and
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, Hassle-Free
All backed by our
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, Hassle-Free
become a member and
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, No Lock-in
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
You are covered by our 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee. We want you to be happy.
30+ Handmade Business Courses
Interactive Makers Roadmap System
Monthly Coaching Calls
24/7 Access to our Support Community
Cancel Anytime, No Lock-in
as seen in...