Strategic Tips To Organize Your Etsy Shop Sections

December 7, 2021


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  1. Sherrie says:

    Thanks. Very helpful. I just went back and fine-tuned my shop sections.

    Perhaps you can include in the article, directions as to how to get to the manage your shop sections. I didn’t even realize there was a manage section a few weeks ago and someone in a group mentioned it and I had to google how to get there.

    I am finding so many basic customization features on Etsy that I didn’t realize existed.

    • The Tizzit Team says:

      Thank you for your comment, Sherrie! I am glad that you were able to fine-tune your shop sections.

      That’s right, Deb teaches the foundational basics of organizing shop sections here to help with your shop’s marketing. Although Deb doesn’t give the step by step (which buttons to click, because Etsy features constantly change), the lessons in this article can still be used. You’ve definitely provided good feedback. We should point people to the wonderful Etsy Help Center for detailed How To instructions – here’s a link to help:

      Have a great day!

  2. Petra says:

    Absolutely loved the article and it was extremely helpful. But I do wonder when it comes to the sections working well together… Does that mean that selling different things (example: candles, metal decorations, handbound journals, bookmarks) that still fall under a general umbrella (home library decorations) is not advisable?

    • The Tizzit Team says:

      Hello Petra! You could try having both the general category (home library decorations) and the specific ones! If you’d like to check in with other makers to see what strategy has worked better for their shop, please feel free to ask in our free Facebook group:

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