Should you be selling your products on Amazon Handmade?

May 18, 2021

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Get your hands on this free A to Z guide to starting and growing a successful handmade shop. Know what to do (and in what order) to build a wildly successful handmade shop.

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  1. Ray says:

    Thanks for your Amazon Handmade review — your observations are spot on. I’ve been “selling” on their platform for several years, and it’s been pretty disappointing.

  2. Jason says:

    I have listed around 570 paintings on Amazon Handmade site. Listed since April-May period of 2022. Not one sale as of yet on the site and very little traffic that I can see. I offer one day handling on the site and free shipping so seems like theres just really no one there.

    I have done pretty well on other sites like eBay in the last 10 years or so with over 900 sales and within the first few weeks I had first sale on their platform so..does not seem Handmade is a site for me but really to early in telling and like noted in this article..listings do not expire so I still may try to market better on Handmade somehow and see if things change for the better!

    • The Tizzit Team says:

      Hello Jason! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Having over 900 sales on other sites is great to hear! We hope that things do change for the better for your shop on Amazon Handmade too.

  3. Piko says:

    Thank you for this article.

  4. Many thanks for an informative article. I am feeling better about making a final decision about this platform.

  5. Mandy says:

    So it seems that you may as well sell on both of them, if you can handle it. Even if you just list a few items on Amazon, you don’t pay anything unless you sell? So might as well list on both, and see which one has the better results.

    • The Tizzit Team says:

      Hello Mandy! Yes – if you think your shop would do well on Amazon, as there is no one size fits all, go for it 🙂

  6. Carol says:

    This article is fantastic. It’s very thought-provoking and it makes a lot of sense. You really brought to light some of the concerns that I have and I’m thinking that this is not the right platform for me. Very important to sellers who cannot afford to waste a lot of time. So grateful for you taking the time to save me time.

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