Etsy Fees Going Up – Is it time to leave Etsy? 3 questions to help you decide

March 3, 2022


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  1. Sotiri says:

    Thanks for the thoughtful article, Deb.

    To compensate, we plan to raise our prices on Etsy. (We currently charge the same price on Etsy as our own shopify website.) Do you see any reason to NOT do that? We get about 2/3 of our sales from our own site, so we hope raising prices on Etsy will drive folks to our own site.

    The increase will need to be 7.1% to make us “indifferent” to the channel they purchase from. (i.e. to make our profit the same on etsy vs. shopify.)

    You didn’t mention it, but Etsy also charges us additional advertising fee (12% if a customer comes to etsy through one of their “offsite” ads). So raising their fee to 6.5% for “more advertising” seems disingenuous.

    We do our own advertising. So Etsy is “competing” with us, driving up our own ad costs.

    Anyway, now I’m thinking we should raise our prices by 10% (compared to our own site) to cover their “offsite” advertising fees.

    Sorry for the long “comment”. But I’d love your thoughts all of this. I plan to give feedback to Etsy as well.

    • The Tizzit Team says:

      Hello Sotiri, Thank you for your thoughtful comment! Deb doesn’t do one-on-one Q&As over posts/comments unless you are an HQ member. As a member, you can post this to the HQ community forums for support. For now, you can ask other members of the free Facebook Tizzit Circle group for feedback and support instead. Have a good day!

  2. Sotiri says:

    Ha ha, that’s a funny reply. I’m sure that Deb knows the best way to create a “customer” is to engage with them, not tell them to go away. I’m not asking a one-on-one question; I’m asking something that will benefit all readers and move the discussion forward beyond the article’s initial conclusions.

    BTW, I’m a professional e-commerce consultant. (Hence, why I don’t “subscribe” to Deb’s full HQ.) I just shared valuable information and ideas (and without trying to promote myself) with all your readers in a pleasant engaging way on what I am advising my clients. I’m willing to publish my recommendations on your site, to your benefit. So you could do me the courtesy of a real reply.

    • The Tizzit Team says:

      Hello! Thank you for your input. We use our blog to share industry information as well as Deb’s thoughts on topics but we save our in-depth conversation to inside Tizzit HQ so that we can reach and engage our members. You’re welcome to take the conversation to the free Facebook group as this is the free option for makers that are not members of the HQ to share their experiences and generate a discussion. Thank you!

  3. Ellie Rome-Reed says:

    My daughter told me to boycott Etsy because of the price increase, so like a business owner, I did a little research. Your article is PERFECT and helped me explain to her why I will not boycott Etsy, and how she should think more like a business owner rather than someone who feels they are “owed something.” Thank you!!

    • The Tizzit Team says:

      Hello Ellie! I am glad to hear that the article has been helpful to you! Please keep checking back for new posts. Have a lovely week!

  4. JD says:

    Etsy charged me 40% in fees! I sold an item for £175 and they paid only £114 – £61 in fees! It’s staggering. I had not opted for any ad campaigns etc, this was just organic search and sale.

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