Time Management: The ONE post-it trick you need to know about

September 10, 2019


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  1. Eva Meijer says:

    Yes, def need to get better at this…!

  2. Anna says:

    This is amazing, thank you for that. I know the system, but I forgot to use it… and this is exactly a time for me, when I feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks and projects and everything in my life, so I could prioritize…
    And I´ve written the system down on the back of my planner now, so I won´t forget to use it now and then 😉

    I realized that I am drawn to do small, not urgent things instead of those important and urgent ones, when I have a few minutes now and then, and then I´m constantly …I don´tknow where I am or what I am doing,… 😀 So thank you for reminding me!!
    Have a beautiful, productive day 😉

    • I am glad it’s helpful, and don’t worry you are not alone! Even the most organised and productive human beings need to remind themselves of this from time to time 🙂 If you can, take a look at the Freedom app so you can log yourself out of apps and website slike emails, social, etc for a few hours every day or morning.

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